
Brockmans Intensely Smooth Premium Gin

United Kingdom


Brockman Gin was developed by Neil Everitt and his 3 friends Kevan, Davis and Bob. Many attempts were made before they reached their goal of making a smooth and intense gin. The gin was introduced in 2008 and is distilled by G&J Distillers using their 100 year old tradition of producing gin.

The Brockman Gin has many of the “normal” botanicals that you would find in a gin: juniper (of cause – otherwise it is not a gin), coriander, orange peel, cassia bark and angelica – but this is also where the “normal” part ends and the “different” part starts: They have really added a flavor bomb of blackberry and blueberry. The result is an infused gin that leads your thoughts almost toward vodka currant… So if you love a regular Gin & Tonic, this gin is probably not for you – but if you would love a fruity, smooth, sweet and very different Gin & Tonic – and you love blackberry - this gin is it! If you love a sweet, just use a Mediterranean tonic and add a slice of mango – if you want more acidity use an Indian tonic and garnish it with a grapefruit peel.

Best Garnish for this Gin


(Some) known ingredients in this Gin (in Danish)


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