
Bruni Collin's Gin



The Spanish gin, Bruni Collin’s, is made in cooperation between the creator, Manolo Martin – the 2011 World Wide Champion in Cocktail preparation – and the distillery Destilerias Joaquín Alonso S.L. Joaquín Alonso distillery dates back to 1944 and is now run by third-generation distiller masters.

This London Dry Gin is made with 8 botanicals that they keep as a secret, but the result is a juniper and a very citrus dominated gin with very sweet notes - so strong and powerfull as you might imagine a concentrated limoncello would taste.

The gin was awarded 2 Gold medals at the SIP Awards 2017 in California – one for “Tasting” and one for “Design”. This award may not be as known in Europe as the IWSC awards (International Wine and Spirits Competition) are, but 673 distillates participated in the 27 different blind tasting categories.

(Some) known ingredients in this Gin (in Danish)


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